Educating our Community
Creating Opportunities to Learn
Team 4 is focused on broadening participation in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) education.
Through an novel fellowship program, undergraduate students from historically underserved groups are exposed to research practices in the coastal hazards field. Learn more about our fellowship program here.

Research Goals
Research Goal 1: Enhance university sophomore-junior experiences in research, outreach & engagement for underrepresented and minority undergraduate students
A core component of the Hub is the Cascadia CHARTER Program—the Cascadia Coastal Hazards and Resilience Training, Education, and Research Program. Through three programmatic areas, Cascadia CHARTER aims to help build, strengthen, and reinforce the science identities and stretch the STEAM pipeline of underrepresented populations.
Research Goal 2: Create new university-K-12 citizen science research experiences through Cascadia TEACH project (the Cascadia Training, Education, and Research in Coastal Hazards project)
The goal of Cascadia TEACH is to link hub researchers with community college and secondary school educators, and exchange research and experiential-based knowledge toexplore and test ways in which citizen participation in landscape change simulation modeling and engagement with local places and people can influence perceptions of society’s choices and enhance coastal hazard preparedness.
Research Goal 3: Enhance access to research products for societal benefit
Research Goal 4: Cascadia CoPe Research Traineeship (convergent training of graduate students, postdocs, and ECF)
The Cascadia CoPe Research Traineeshp (CGRT) creates a cohort of graduate students who will not only actively participate in the hub’s primary research efforts, but also work together to address transdisciplinary topics. The goal of CGRT is to support the preparation of a new generation of researchers, natural resource scientists, and planning and policy managers to tackle coastal hazards.