Supporting Coquille Indian Climate Change Task Force

The UO research team has established an initial collaboration with the Coquille Indian Tribe related with their newly established Climate Resilience Task Force. The collaboration began in September 2023, where initial work has focused on learning about the tribe, their needs, and establishing trust with the task force members.

Coquille Indian Tribe Ancestral Lands, Southwestern Oregon.

Hub Researchers

  • José W. Meléndez
  • Valentine Bentz
  • Michael Howard


  • Coquille Indian Tribe

José W. Meléndez,

Our Research:

UO team members Valentine Bentz and José W. Meléndez attended an all-day retreat on November 11, 2023 that was geared towards task force members building community as they learned what drives each of them to be a part of the Task Force. Additionally, the retreat helped task members identify initial priorities and goals to be worked on in the upcoming year. UO team members are seeking to identify ways that they can support task force members in achieving their priorities. This is an emergent collaboration with research goals yet to be established.