
Published Journal Articles

Bold = Hub member

Earthquakes, Infrastructure, Landslides, and Tsunamis

Alam, M. S., Simpson, B. G., & Barbosa, A. R. (2023). Fragility and Recovery Models for Energy, Water, and Wastewater Systems for Seismic Regional Risk and Resilience Assessment: State-of-the-Art Review and Database. Natural Hazards Review, 24(4), 04023036. 

Alam, M. S., Simpson, B. G., Barbosa, A. R., Jung, J., & Parulekar, N. (2023). Probabilistic seismic damage and loss assessment methodology for wastewater network incorporating modeling uncertainty and damage correlations. Earthquake Spectra, 39(3), 1435-1472. 

Amini, M., Jeon, H., Sanderson, D. R., Cox, D. T., Barbosa, A. R., & Cutler, H. (2023). Integrated Engineering–Economic Analysis for Multihazard Damage and Loss Assessment. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 29(4), 04023031.

Amini, M., Sanderson, D. R., Cox, D. T., Barbosa, A. R., & Rosenheim, N. (2023). Methodology to incorporate seismic damage and debris to evaluate strategies to reduce life safety risk for multi-hazard earthquake and tsunami. Natural Hazards, 1-36.

Bernard, E., Meinig, C., Titov, V., and Wei, Y. (2023), 50 years of PMEL tsunami research and development, Oceanography, 36(2/3),175-185.

Bostrom, A., McBride, S.K., Becker, J.S., Goltz, J.D., Groot, R.M., Peek, L., Terbush, B., Dixon. M. (2022). Great expectations for earthquake early warnings on the United States West Coast. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.

Carbotte, S., Boston, B., Han, S., Shuck, B., Beeson, J., Canales, J., Tobin, H., Miller, N., Nedimovic, M.,Tréhu, A., Lee, M., Lucas, M., Jian, H., Jiang, D., Moser, L., Anderson, C., Judd, D., Fernandez, J.,Campbell, C., Goswami, A., and Gahlawat, R. (2024). Subducting plate structure and megathrust morphology from deep seismic imaging linked to earthquake rupture segmentation at Cascadia. ScienceAdvances. 10(23). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adl3198

D. Rim, R. Baraldi, C.M. Liu, R.J. LeVeque, and K. Terada. (2022). Tsunami Early Warning From Global Navigation Satellite System Data Using Convolutional Neural Networks. Geophysical Research Letters.

Di Dieco, G. D., Pregnolato, M., & Barbosa, A. R. (2023). A methodology to derive scour fragility functions for masonry arch bridges. In Life-Cycle of Structures and Infrastructure Systems (pp. 1507-1514). CRC Press.

Herzig, E., Duvall, A., Booth, A., Stone, I., Wirth, E., LaHusen, S., Wartman, J. and Grant, A., 2024. Evidence of Seattle Fault Earthquakes from Patterns in Deep‐Seated Landslides. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 114(2), pp.1084-1102.

LaHusen, S. R., & Grant, A. R. (2024). Complex landslide patterns explained by local intra-unit variability of stratigraphy and structure: Case study in the Tyee Formation, Oregon, USA. Engineering Geology, 329, 107387.

Lai, L. S. H., Duvall, A. R., Booth, A. M., Wartman, J., Grant, A., & LaHusen, S. (2023). Preliminary Mapping of Deep-Seated Landslides in the Washington Coast Range, Cascadia Subduction Zone. AGU23.

Ledeczi, A.M., Lucas, M.C., Tobin, H.J., Watt, J.T., Miller, N.C. (2024). Late Quaternary Surface Displacements on Accretionary Wedge Splay Faults in the Cascadia Subduction Zone: Implications for Megathrust Rupture. Seismica 2(4). DOI:

Mitchell, N., Yanites, B., Duvall, A., Humphreys, E., Perry-Houts, J., Schoettle-Greene, P., & Williams, S. (2023). Late Miocene or older canyon incision in the northern US Cordillera shown by erosion rates, incision models, and basalt flow ages. Bulletin, 135(11-12), 3143-3162.

Morey, S.M., Shobe, C.M., Huntington, K.W., Lang, K.A., Johnson, A.G. and Duvall, A.R., 2024. The lasting legacy of megaflood boulder deposition in mountain rivers. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(1), p.e2023GL105066.

Opanasopit, C., & Louis, J. Automated Detection of Roadway Obstructions Using UAVs and Reference Images. In Construction Research Congress 2024 (pp. 1029-1038).

Rasanen, R. A., Wood, C. M., & Maurer, B. W. (2024). Constraining Cascadia Subduction Zone Ground Motions via Paleoliquefaction Evidence: A Case Study from Kellogg Island, Washington, with Regional Implications. In Geo-Congress (pp. 141-151).

Rasanen, R., Grant, A., Makdisi, A. J., Maurer, B., & Wirth, E. Implications of Physics-Based M9 Ground Motions on Liquefaction-Induced Damage in the Cascadia Subduction Zone: Looking Forward and Backward. Available at SSRN 4678583.

Reis, C., Barbosa, A. R., Baptista, M. A., Lopes, M., & Clain, S. (2024). A numerical methodology for estimating site-specific cascading earthquake and tsunami dynamic loading on critical infrastructure. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 100, 104163.

Sanderson, D., & Cox, D. (2023). Comparison of national and local building inventories for damage and loss modeling of seismic and tsunami hazards: From parcel-to city-scale. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 93, 103755.

Stanton, K. M., Crider, J. G., Kelsey, H. M., & Feathers, J. K. (2024). The signature of accumulated permanent uplift, northern Cascadia subduction zone. Quaternary Research, 117, 98-118.

Stone, I., Wirth, E. A., Grant, A., & Frankel, A. D. (2023). 3D Wave Propagation Simulations of M w 6.5+ Earthquakes on the Tacoma Fault, Washington State, Considering the Effects of Topography, a Geotechnical Gradient, and a Fault Damage Zone. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 113(6), 2519-2542.

Titov, V. V., Meinig, C., Stalin, S., Wei, Y., Moore, C., & Bernard, E. (2023). Technology transfer of PMEL tsunami research protects populations and expands the new blue economy. Oceanography, 36(2/3), 186-195.

Wei, Y., ten Brink, U. S., & Atwater, B. F. (2024). Modeled Flooding by Tsunamis and a Storm Versus Observed Extent of Coral Erratics on Anegada, British Virgin Islands—Further Evidence for a Great Caribbean Earthquake Six Centuries Ago. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129(3), e2023JB028387.

Tribal Partnerships

Ban, X.J., Abramson, D., Zhang, Y., Lukins, S., Goodrich, K., Mirante, A., Lambert, R. and Yankey, M., 2023. Drone Technology Education in Rural, Isolated, Tribal and Indigenous (Riti) Communities. 

Borges, J., Harari, L., Jung, H., McFeely, M., & McPherson-Siegrist, N. (2024). Indigenous Worldviews and Tribal Priorities in Hazard Mitigation Planning. Daniel J. Evans School of Public Policy & Governance, University of Washington.

Dent, L. A., Donatuto, J., Campbell, L., Boardman, M., Hess, J. J., & Errett, N. A. (2023). Incorporating Indigenous voices in regional climate change adaptation: opportunities and challenges in the US Pacific Northwest. Climatic Change, 176(3), 27.

Hatch, M.B., Parrish, J.K., Heppell, S.S., Augustine, S., Campbell, L., Divine, L.M., Donatuto, J., Groesbeck, A.S. and Smith, N.F. (2023).. Boundary spanners: a critical role for enduring collaborations between Indigenous communities and mainstream scientists. Ecology and Society, 28(1).

Jenicek, A., Mix, E., Noltner, A., & Veith, C. (2023). A” Hole-in-the-Community” Approach: How Federal Disaster Policy Overlooks Indigenous Communities. Daniel J. Evans School of Public Policy & Governance, University of Washington.

Coastal change and Inundation (flooding, sea level rise, erosion, natural and nature based features)

Askerooth, R., R.S. Mostow, P. Ruggiero, F. Barreto, and S.D. Hacker. (2024). A novel hybrid beachgrass is invading U.S. Pacific Northwest dunes with potential ecosystem consequences. Ecosphere. 15(4). 

Bond, H., Kaminsky, G. M., & Wengrove, M. (2023). Seasonal profile variations of a dynamic revetment in North Cove, Washington, USA. In Coastal Sediments 2023: The Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments 2023 (pp. 2027-2032).

Bond, H., Wengrove, M., Puleo, J., Pontiki, M., Evans, T. M., & Feagin, R. A. (2023). Beach and dune subsurface hydrodynamics and their influence on the formation of dune scarps. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 128(12), e2023JF007298.

Braley, M., Harvey, T., Lorenz, A., & Tracy, E. (2023). Making Waves: Sea Level Rise Engagement in the City of Westport. Braley, M., Harvey, T., Lorenz, A., & Tracy, E. (2023). Making Waves: Sea Level Rise Engagement in the City of Westport. Daniel J. Evans School of Public Policy & Governance, University of Washington.

Braley, M., Harvey, T., Lorenz, A., & Tracy, E. (2023). Making Waves: Sea Level Rise Engagement in the City of Westport. Full report here

Chen, M., Yim, S. C., Cox, D. T., Yang, Z., Huesemann, M. H., Mumford, T. F., & Wang, T. (2023). Modeling and analysis of a novel offshore binary species free-floating longline macroalgal farming system. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 145(2), 021301.

Dickey, J., Wengrove, M., Cohn, N., Ruggiero, P., & Hacker, S. D. (2023). Observations and modeling of shear stress reduction and sediment flux within sparse dune grass canopies on managed coastal dunes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 48(5), 907-922.

Duprey, J., Gallego, R., Klinger, T., & Kelly, R. P. (2023). Environmental DNA reveals patterns of biological invasion in an inland sea. Plos one, 18(12), e0281525.

Feagin, R. A., Innocenti, R. A., Bond, H., Wengrove, M., Huff, T. P., Lomonaco, P., … & Silva, R. (2023). Does vegetation accelerate coastal dune erosion during extreme events?. Science Advances, 9(24), eadg7135.

Graffin, M., Taherkhani, M., Leung, M., Vitousek, S., Kaminsky, G., & Ruggiero, P. (2023). Monitoring interdecadal coastal change along dissipative beaches via satellite imagery at regional scale. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, 1, e42.

LaPorte-Fauret, Q., R. Askerooth, M. Wengrove, S. Hacker, P. Ruggiero, J. Dickey, R. Edgell, and I. Silvernail. 2023. Experimental test of the influence of native and non-native plant species on sand accretion on a U.S. Pacific Northwest dune. Coastal Sediments 2023: 627–641.

Leung, M. C., Cagigal, L., Méndez, F. J., & Ruggiero, P. (2023). Projecting Future Chronic Coastal Hazard Impacts, Hotspots, and Uncertainty at Regional Scale. Authorea Preprints.

Leung, M., Cagigal, L., Mendez, F., & Ruggerio, P. (2023). EVOLVING IMPACTS OF CHRONIC COASTAL HAZARDS UNDER A CHANGING CLIMATE IN CASCADIA, USA. In Coastal Sediments 2023: The Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments 2023 (pp. 561-576).

Leung, M., Cagigal, L., Pittman, R., Mendez, F. J., & Ruggerio, P. (2024). “TESLA-Cascadia Total Water Levels and Chronic Hazard Proxies”, in TESLA-Cascadia: Stochastic Total Water Level and Chronic Coastal Hazard Proxy Simulations.

Miller, I. M., Kaminsky, G. M., & Akmajian, A. (2023). Shoreline dynamics on a high energy beach associated with relative sea-level fall on the Pacific Coast, USA. In Coastal Sediments 2023: The Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments 2023 (pp. 364-378)

Miller, I., Maverick, A., Johannessen, J., Fleming, C., & Regan, S. (2023). A Data-Driven Approach for Assessing Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Applied to Puget Sound, Washington State, USA. Sustainability, 15(6), 5401.

Mostow, R. S., F. S. Barreto, and S.D. Hacker. 2024. A hybrid beachgrass (Ammophila arenaria × A. breviligulata) is more productive and outcompetes its non-native parent species. Oecologia. In Press.

Pontiki, M., Puleo, J. A., Bond, H., Wengrove, M., Feagin, R. A., Hsu, T. J., & Huff, T. (2023). Geomorphic response of a coastal Berm to storm surge and the importance of sheet flow dynamics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 128(10), e2022JF006948.

Richmond, L. and Kunkel, K. (2024). Living in the ‘Blue Zone’ of a Sea-level Rise Inundation Map: Community Perceptions of Coastal Flooding in King Salmon, California. Climate Risk Management, 44, 100596.

Richmond, L., Anderson, J., Archibald, J., Brown, A., Canter, A., Cashman, E., … & Wilkinson, H. (2023). Transformative Sea-Level Rise Research and Planning. Humboldt Journal of Social Relations, 45, 67-93.

Stevens, A.W., Ruggiero, P., Parker, K.A., Vitousek, S., Gelfenbaum, G., Kaminsky, G.M. (2024). Climate controls on longshore sediment transport and coastal morphology adjacent to engineered inlets, Coastal Engineering, 104617, ISSN 0378-3839,

Taherkhani, M., Leung, M., Ruggiero, P., Vitousek, S., & Allan, J. (2023). Multiscale assessment of shoreline evolution in the us pacific northwest via a process-based model. In Coastal Sediments 2023: The Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments 2023 (pp. 1437-1451).

Van Dang, H., Park, H., Shin, S., Tomiczek, T., Cox, D. T., Lee, E., … & Lomonaco, P. (2023). Physical model comparison of gray and green mitigation alternatives for flooding and wave force reduction in an idealized urban coastal environment. Coastal Engineering, 184, 104339.

Community resilience, Science communication and climate change

Brown, A., Marlow, J., and Sorfleet, J. (2024). Crafting Effective Oversight for the Long-Term Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel on Sites at Risk of Climate and Coastal Hazards. Frontiers in Climate: Climate Law and Policy. Vol. 6.

Cano-Calhoun, C., Abramson, D. B., & Chen, C. (2024). On your own, together: Regional perspectives on community resource-sharing for disaster preparedness in Washington state. Journal of Urban Affairs, 1–25.

Crews, T., Goodwin, C., Rowe, S., & Olmeta-Schult, F. (2023). The Quest to Support Community Resilience in the Face of Coastal Hazards and Natural Disasters. Current: The Journal of Marine Education, 37(2), 3-8.

Doyle, E.E., Thompson, J., Hill, S., Williams, M., Paton, D., Harrison, S., Bostrom, A. and Becker, J., 2023. Where does scientific uncertainty come from, and from whom? Mapping perspectives of natural hazards science advice. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 96, p.103948.

Fox, N., Tilt, J. H., Ruggiero, P., Stanton, K., & Bolte, J. (2023). Toward equitable coastal community resilience: Incorporating principles of equity and justice in coastal hazard adaptation. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, 1, e36.

Hess, J. J., Errett, N. A., McGregor, G., Busch Isaksen, T., Wettstein, Z. S., Wheat, S. K., & Ebi, K. L. (2023). Public health preparedness for extreme heat events. Annual Review of Public Health, 44(1), 301-321.

Idziorek, K., Abramson, D. B., Kitagawa, N., Yamamoto, T., & Chen, C. (2023). Factors Influencing Willingness to Share Resources Postdisaster: A Cross-Cultural Comparison between US and Japanese Communities. Natural Hazards Review, 24(4), 04023044.

Jean, C., Gaines, L., Plaza, D., & Meléndez, J. W. (2024). The Cascadia coastal hazards and resilience training, education, and research (CHARTER) fellows mentoring model for underrepresented students. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 104315.

Khan, A. S., Wittenauer, R., Patel, R., Baseman, J., Miller, A., & Errett, N. A. (2023). Developing a concept of operations template to guide collaborative disaster research response between academic public health and public health agencies. Disaster medicine and public health preparedness, 17, e39.

Kolesar, S.E., P. Ruggiero, D. Tullos, J.H. Tilt, B. Tilt, and B.M. Thompson. 2024. Challenges and strategies for knowledge co-production in ecosystem and natural hazards research. Oceanography 37(1):19–25,

Koll, C., Lindell, M., Chen, C., & Wang, H. (2023). Emergency warning dissemination in a multiplex social network. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 26(1).

Lovell S., Vickery J., López P, Rodríguez A.J., Cummings B.J., Moloney K,. Berman, J., Bostrom, A., Busch Isaksen, T. Estrada, E., Hartwell, C., Kohler, P. Kramer, C.B., Patel, R., Schnall, A.H., Hannah Smith, M., and Errett, N. A. (2024). Evaluating an equity-focused approach to assess climate resilience and disaster priorities through a community survey. PLoS ONE 19(6): e0302106.

Meléndez, J. W., & Hoff, C. G. (2022). Transforming collaborative governing bodies for immigrants’ authentic engagement: the roles of culture and influence. Journal of the American Planning Association.

Moore, A., Jean, C., Korfmacher, M., Vickery, J., Bostrom, A., Errett, N.A. (2024). Coastal emergency managers’ risk perception and decision making for the Tonga distant tsunami, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 108, 104560,

Nguyễn, L. T., Bostrom, A., Abramson, D. B., & Moy, P. (2023). Understanding the role of individual-and community-based resources in disaster preparedness. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 96, 103882. [also Nguyễn, L., Bostrom, A., Abramson, D. B., & Moy, P. Mainstreaming Disaster Preparedness. Available at SSRN 4258920]

Richmond, L., & Kunkel, K. (2024). Living in the ‘Blue Zone’of a sea-level rise inundation map: Community perceptions of coastal flooding in King Salmon, California. Climate Risk Management, 100596.

Sanderson, D., Cox, D., Amini, M., and Barbosa, A. (2022b). Coupled urban change and natural hazard consequence model for community resilience planning. Earths Future, 10(12).

Siam, M. R. K., Lindell, M. K., & Wang, H. (2024). Modeling of multi-hazard warning dissemination time distributions: An agent-based approach. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 100, 104207.

Stanton, K. A., & Tilt, J. H. (2023). Building resilient Oregon coastal communities: Reimagining critical facilities through Latinx sense of place. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 87, 103600.

van de Lindt, J. W., Barbosa, A. R., & Dong, Y. (2023). Integrated modeling of cities to improve natural hazards resilience. Resilient Cities and Structures, 2(2), A1.

Videos and Podcasts


Prepare yourself for when disaster strikes! Learn critical information about earthquake and tsunami risk and how to quickly and safely get to a secure location in this short video.

Are you ready for when disaster strikes? Learn about what the essentials are for your emergency bag and how you can build your own in this short video.

¿Estás listo para cuando ocurra un desastre? Aprenda cuáles son los elementos esenciales para su bolsa de emergencia y cómo puede construir el suyo propio en este breve video

¡Prepárate para cuando ocurra un desastre! Obtenga información fundamental sobre el riesgo de terremotos y tsunamis y cómo abandonar la zona de peligro de forma rápida y segura en este breve vídeo.

Tools and Datasets

Story Maps

Community Adaptation Pathways, Planning, and Partnerships – Storymap collection

Data Sets

• Abramson, D., J. Berman, J. Wartman, K. Dedinsky, J. Zdebski, A. Lyda, M. Grilliot, A. Bowden, N. RAPID (2024). “COPE: EAGER Coastal Hazard Planning in Time”, in COPE: EAGER Coastal Hazard Planning in Time [Version 2]. DesignSafe-CI.

• Berman, J., K. Dedinsky, M. Grilliot, J. Zdebski, N. RAPID (2023). “2023 Cascadia CoPes Meeting at Islandwood”, in 2023 Cascadia CoPes Hub Meeting. DesignSafe-CI.

• Blockstein, J., J. Tilt. (2023) “Focus Group Protocol (English and Spanish) – Questions, Conceptual Mapping Activity, Demographics”, in Critical Links: Exploring the Connection between Community Assets and Latinx Social Capital for Disaster Resilience along the Oregon Coast. DesignSafe-CI.

• Leung, M., L. Cagigal, F. Mendez, P. Ruggiero, R. Pittman (2024). “TESLA-Cascadia Total Water Levels and Chronic Hazard Proxies”, in TESLA-Cascadia: Stochastic Total Water Level and Chronic Coastal Hazard Proxy Simulations [Version 2]. DesignSafe-CI.

• Tilt, J (2024). “Oregon Coastal Community Assets Survey Instrument”, in Oregon Coastal Community Assets. DesignSafe-CI.