Each project engages coastal communities and provides resources to help strengthen the current hazard mitigation infrastructure.
Building STEM Identities and Resilience: Community-Driven Earthquake Monitoring at the Quileute Tribal School
Led by Hub member and UW graduate student Madeleine Lucas, in collaboration with Quileute Tribal School, a team will establish a community-driven earthquake monitoring program. Team members and K-12 students will work together to design, install, and monitor a seismometer and present results. This project combines STEM education with geohazards science and tribal collaboration.
Visualizing dynamic processes and social-ecological systems to advance coastal resilience action
Led by Dr. Celina Balderas Guzmán, in collaboration with community partners from WECAN (Willapa Erosion Control Action Now), a team will translate the benefits of collaborative nature-based erosion management approaches into accessible graphics to support ongoing community-led coastal resilience efforts. These materials will be produced in various formats and will educate viewers and advance stakeholder-identified needs.
Predicting Liquefaction-Induced Damage in Cascadia During M9 CSZ Earthquakes
Led by Brett Maurer, a team will use ground-motion simulations and artificial intelligence to predict the effects of soil liquefaction during earthquakes in the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ). The data produced will be made available to other ongoing studies of landslides, tsunamis, and other earthquake-related events.
Ecogeomorphic Model of Willapa Bay
Led by Hub member Kendall Valentine, a team will develop a numerical model to predict the impact of sea level rise on biological communities such as mud shrimp, seagrass, and oysters in Willapa Bay, Washington. The numerical model will be tested with a range of sea level rise scenarios, and results will be presented as an open-access model to aid future decision-making and aquaculture in Willapa Bay.